Interview with Jack Ralph

Jack Ralph is the founder and head chocolatier of Art Chocolate based in England.

Date: 19th October
Time: 5:30pm – 6pm U.K
Free Interview


Spend Some Quality Time with Jack Ralph

Jack is a highly creative and unique chocolatier who has grown his business
organically over the past 4 years. Join me in this interview to find out more
about him and how he made, and grew, his business.

Learning From The Best

In this 30 min interview, we’ll get to know more about this extraordinary, self trained chocolatier.

If you’d like to learn more about Jack before the interview, you can find his website here and his instagram here.

A Little About Jack

The seeds for ArtChocolat’s growth were planted when, back in the summer of 2018, our Founder and Head Chocolatier Jack Ralph had just finished his first year at University as a Law student.

However, there was a lacklustre feeling left in him after he had finished that first year. After deciding that Law was not an industry where he was going to enjoy himself, he took a leap of faith and dropped out, unsure of his next move.

He had always liked food as a hobby, so he decided to give it a shot and taste what was out there, starting with the restaurant industry.

After a few months at a restaurant, Jack had developed a love for pastry, and in particular chocolate. Once he had bought his first mould, a thermometer and some good couverture chocolate, there was no looking back.

Despite falling out of love with restaurants, chocolate had become an obsession for Jack and he couldn’t stop making it. Naturally, it became what he wanted to do for a career, but nobody near him was making the kind of fun yet high quality chocolate creations that he wanted to make.

Therefore, he decided to launch ArtChocolat and do it himself!

And here we are now, trying to combine the fun, playful side of chocolate and the beauty of art, with the high quality cacao that just tastes so so good!

Ask Your Questions

You are encouraged to join this interview live with us, but, if you can’t make it, feel free to send your questions for Jack in to me via email at [email protected]

Everyone Gets A Recording

After the interview, all participants will be sent a recording just in case you can’t make it live or want to listen again.

How Does It Work?

  • After you’ve signed up, you’ll be sent a confirmation email, which includes a link to register for the interview via Zoom.
  • If you’re not going to attend live, there’s no need to register.
  • At the time and date of the interview you’ll connect via the Zoom software (no extra charge to you).
  • You’ll be able to see and hear us. We’ll say hello when you join, so you can confirm you can hear OK.
  • While we’re talking you can type questions for us to answer.
  • You’ll receive a recording of the interview within 1-2 hours afterwards.