Ice Cream Bars

These are my take on Klondike bars that I loved when I was a kid. I’ve got lots of flavours for you to choose from and they’re easy to make. 

Livestream Class Recording



No Ice Cream Maker? No Problem!

Have fun making your own ice cream creations. No special
ingredients, tools or equipment required.

All Natural Desserts. Feel Good About Your Food.

What you’ll learn …

Ice Cream Bases

I have avoided making ice cream or ice cream bars for a long time because I didn’t have an ice cream maker, but this year I decided to give it a go. The base recipe for these bars is super simple to make using easy to find ingredients online or in your local market. It’s a highly versatile recipe and, in the class booklet, I will provide you with 5 + tried and tested recipes to play with.

You can make these using either a nut free base, or one with nuts added. The base recipe is very simple regardless of whether you use nuts or not.

Recipes You’ll Get 

  • Mint Chocolate Chip
  • Chocolate Ice Cream with Cookie Dough Pieces
  • Coffee Ice Cream with Hazelnut Caramel
  • Maple Butterscotch Ice Cream with Pecan Caramel
  • Peanut Butter with Chewy Medjool Date

Dipping Them in Chocolate

Unlike most of the dipping I get up to in my work, we don’t want to temper the chocolate for dipping these. Additionally, we need to tweak it a little so that the chocolate melts in your mouth and doesn’t go all waxy against the ice cream. I’ll show you the tricks in class to get the perfect shell on your ice cream bars.

How Does It Work?

  • After you’ve purchased this livestream class, you’ll be sent a confirmation email, which includes a link to register for the class.
  • At the time and date of the class you’ll connect via the Zoom software (no extra charge to you).
  • You’ll be able to see and hear me. We’ll say hello when you join, so you can confirm you can hear OK.
  • While I’m teaching you can type questions for me to answer. I’ll make sure we answer all questions.
  • You’ll receive the class book and a recording of the session within 1-2 days of the livestream.
  • Note: This is not a follow along workshop, so there’s no need to shop for any ingredients prior to the class.  You can just relax, watch at home, ask questions and be armed with your new knowledge to get in the kitchen in your own time and go at your own pace.  Of course, you have all recipes and a recording of the class to refer back to whenever you want.