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Mixed Berry Thumbprint Cookies

By 14/02/2018July 18th, 20181 Comment

I’m posting this recipe 1 day too late to call them Valentines Cookies, which is a real shame as I never really hit holidays in time with recipe posts… oh well. That said, these cookies would have been perfect for V Day treats or to spoil the one you love with homemade delights. They’re bite sized and the flavour is spot on in terms of the balance between acid (sour), sweet and creamy – the cream cheese frosting takes care of that in spades.

Mixed Berry Jam
100g ( 1 cup ) mixed fruits – blackberries, currants,  raspberries, strawberries, etc…
25g ( 2 tbsp ) xylitol or coconut sugar
1 tbsp freeze dried fruit powder  – blackberry, currant, raspberry, etc..
1 tsp lemon zest”
¾ tbsp lemon juice
¼ tsp vanilla extract or 6 drops vanilla medicine flower extract


  • Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, pressing the berries as you mix.
  • The freeze dried fruit powder will absorb the excess liquid and thicken the jam up enough for this recipe.
  • If you don’t have access to freeze dried fruit powder you can add a ¼ tsp of psyllium powder at a time, mix, allow to firm and then see if you need a little more. Alternatively, use your favourite raw jam recipe.

65g ( ⅓ cup ) buckwheat
50g ( ¼ cup ) maple syrup
40g ( scant ⅓ cup ) ground almonds
½ tsp vanilla extract or 4 drops vanilla medicine flower extract
4 tbsp water
Pinch sea salt

5g ( ¾ tbsp ) psyllium husk

15g ( 1 ¼ tbsp ) coconut flour


  • Soak the buckwheat 20 minutes – 1 hour, drain, rinse and allow to sprout 10 hours. Once sprouted, rinse once more before using.
  • In a high speed blender, combine the first set of ingredients and blend on low/medium to break down the buckwheat. You may need to scrape down the sides a few times as you go.
  • Once it’s all smooth, add the psyllium and blend on low to combine.
  • Add the blender contents to the bowl with the coconut flour and, using your hands, mix it all up and form into a ball.
  • With damp hands, roll the mix into small balls, about the size of golf balls. Dampen your hands a little again and press the centre down so the sides push out and crack a little around the edges. You want to create a little crevice in the cookie to hold the jam.
  • Repeat until all dough is pressed.
  • Spoon in ½ – 1 tsp of the jam and then dehydrate at 115f for 6 -8 hours or until the jam is firm to the touch and the cookie is dry on the outside.

Cream Cheese Frosting

stage 1
125g (1 cup ) cashews, soaked
1 tsp probiotic powder
50g  ( ¼ cup ) water, or just enough to blend


  • Blend  the cashews with the probiotic powder and just enough water to create a thick mixture.
  • Transfer to a mixing bowl, press cling film or greaseproof paper right down on top of the mixture so as to not form a crust on top and pop in a warm space for 12 – 24 hours.
  • The mixture should be aerated and slightly sour smelling when you check on it.

stage 2 
1 recipe cashew cheese (above)
75g ( ⅓ cup ) xylitol, powdered
20g ( 1 tbsp ) lemon juice
75g ( ⅓ cup ) coconut oil, melted
½ tsp vanilla extract or 4 drops vanilla medicine flower


  • Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
  • If the mixture looks seized, allow it to run in the food processor for a few minutes or until it’s smooth and silky looking. Alternatively, melt it down over a double boiler.
  • Once made use right away for drizzling on the cookies. Otherwise, set in the fridge and warm over a double boiler to thin out when ready to use. 
  • This will store well in the freezer for several months.

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