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Gingerbread Granola Chocolates

If you’ve not yet made my Gingerbread Granola, you’ll need to do that before you can make these delicious little Gingerbread Chocolates. You can use dried fruits like cranberries, cherries or blueberries. Or, for a bit of additional crunch, you can use freeze dried fruits. In these I used freeze dried cherries and cashew pieces. 

You can make these Gingerbread Chocolates in a few different ways, one way would be to simply mix all the ingredients together and spoon them onto a greaseproof paper lined baking tray. This would result in some lovely little clusters.

The way we do it in this post just takes it one step further by using a polycarbonate chocolate mould and little finesse. I also painted the mould cavities with black cocoa butter before adding the inclusions. This gives a slightly more sophisticated and refined look to the final product. 

To make black cocoa butter, simply melt cocoa butter and then whisk or blend through charcoal powder. I do about 10g charcoal powder per 100g cocoa butter. 

Temper the chocolate as per normal, and then paint it on using a soft bristle paint brush. Allow it to set for 1 hour before adding the inclusions and casting with chocolate. 

To see the method for getting the inclusions to set so beautifully on the surface like you see in the photo above, check out this video I made on the process. You can apply it to any mould. 

When using a half sphere, it has a lot more depth than in the video above, where I was working with a thinner tablet mould. Using a half sphere gives lots of space for more inclusions. 

Related: This is the 30mm half sphere chocolate mould I used to make these.

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Gingerbread Chocolates

Gingerbread Chocolates are a delicious and creative use for my sweet and spiced gingerbread granola. Perfect for the holidays.


  • 30g gingerbread granola roughly broken down
  • 20g cashews roughly chopped
  • 2 tbsp freeze dried or dried fruit cherries, blueberries, cranberries, etc..
  • 200g dark, milk or blonde chocolate tempered
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 tsp ginger powder
  • ¼ tsp allspice powder
  • 8 drops sweet orange essential oil



  • Prepare the mould cavities by adding a little of each texture; cashew, freeze dried or dried fruit and gingerbread granola.
  • Be sure that you don't add so much that it sticks out the back of the cavity. The textures should fill about half of the cavity.
  • Once all cavities are ready, add the spices and orange essential oil to the tempered chocolate and transfer it to a piping bag. The chocolate should be at 28-30c working temp.
  • Gently pipe the chocolate over the textures to keep them in place.
  • Once that chocolate has set, about 2-3 mins, fill the cavities the rest of the way with the chocolate and scrape the back to create a clean finish.
  • Set in the fridge for 3 mins and then at room temp until they release from the mould, about 20 mins or so depending on your room temp.
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Gingerbread Chocolates

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